The future of learning is just to begin.

Automation & Education is a global community impacting lifelong education evolution.

The community is operating as an ngo - Automation & Education Foundation.


We want to adjust education systems to 21st century challenges. We believe that education should be available for a whole life, prepare us to perform future types of jobs, as well as improve our welfare.


Employment in automation era

We are facing significant changes in job structure. More and more kinds of work are automated or supported by software and hardware solutions. There is a rising need for highly qualified workers, leaders, and decision-makers. People who are creative, responsible and self-driven. In the result, most of the current education systems are not designed to fulfill the needs of the current market.

We are going to support education programs that helps people to adapt to 21st century jobs market and conscious life styles. We recognize a great need in learning: 1) technical skills 2) co-operation with technologies 3) humanitarian skills, such as creativity, empathy, flexibility, cooperation,

Lifelong education

In western socialites education used to be a stage in life reserved for kids and young adults. Some specialists such as doctors, lawyers, researchers, or business executives continues education longer. Still, most people stopes their education adventure in their 20’. The system is not working anymore.

Technologies changes our lives so rapidly that the constant adaptation and learning is obligatory.

Lifelong learning should be involved in education programs. Effective re-skilling and up-skilling of adults needs be common part of education systems.

Diverse perspectives

Effective learning is not only a formal education domain. Besides schools and academia, there are e-learning platforms, mobile apps, self learning groups and communities. There are even more parties involved. Global corporations, lacking of the right talents are building re-skilling and up-skilling, internal programs.

There is also much going on in our knowledge about learning and memorizing processes (cognitive science, neuroscience). Using this knowledge can help us to learn more effectively.

Education and learning is crossing many different industries and domains. Our mission is to connect people with different education and learning expertise to build efficient solutions.

The Team


Monika Koprowska

Workshops, Data Science


Kamila Stępniowska

Mission, Vision, Finances


Clarissa San Diego

the US Chapters
